tried to Kill me
But Banjos Saved My Life

An Award Winning, Inspirational True Story
Keith Alessi playing a banjo



Sold Out Run
Edinburgh Fringe
Pick of the Fringe
Mervyn Stutter's Pick
Fringe Encore Series
New York City

Reviews & Press

The Munro Review - Rogue Festival 2022
The Munro Review - Rogue Festival 2022
March 11, 2022

A banjo, the lean and kindly man tells us, draws a line to the past – back to circles of players whiling away pre-electric evenings in the Blue Ridge Mountains, back to the vestigial sound of bagpipes urging Scotsmen across a battlefield, back even to primeval times, with people sitting around campfires and vocalizing with grunts and hums.

Kings River Life Magazine - Rogue Festival 2022 Review
Kings River Life Magazine - Rogue Festival 2022 Review
March 11, 2022

Keith Alessi plays the banjo. Keith Alessi also tells jokes. However, Keith Alessi is not Steve Martin.

Times Square Chronicles - Frigid Festival 2022 Review
Times Square Chronicles - Frigid Festival 2022 Review
February 25, 2022

The Frigid Festival at The Kraine Theater has been in existence for 16 years and what better month than February to put it on!

Audience Feedback

A tale about choices and how to respond to life changing events. Understated but profound advice on how to live a more meaningful life. Uplifting, funny and profound.

Take me seriously when I say everyone must see this. It's beautiful, and I only wish the best for Keith. It will help you work out your own tomatoes and banjos in life, and leave you with hope for the world.

Life affirming show from a very personable performer. Banjo player who has raised £345000 for charity! Well done.